Facing Anti-Arab Racism, Antisemitism, and Islamophobia on Our Campus: Faculty Discuss their Experiences

Event time: 
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
53 Wall Street WALL53, Auditorium See map
53 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

The Advisory Committees for Arab and Muslim Student Life and Jewish Student Life invite you to this inaugural event of a jointly sponsored series focused on conversing, connecting, and engaging with members of our Yale community of many backgrounds and beliefs. This series aims to facilitate open and honest discussion where we may safely and freely express and hear about experiences and perspectives of our fellow community members centered on a foundation of respect, open-mindedness, and curiosity to differing perspectives.

It has been a difficult year in the world and on campus, with conflicts and events across the globe having very personal and painful implications for individuals and communities at Yale.

Join us for an open, candid discussion between several faculty about their personal experiences facing Anti-Arab racism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia on campus.

Moderated by University Chaplain Maytal Saltiel, the faculty panelists are Teresa Chahine, the Sheila and Ron ’92 B.A. Marcelo Senior Lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship at Yale School of Management and Director of the Social Innovation Initiative at Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs; Shiri Goren, Director of the Hebrew Program in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; Hani Mowafi, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Yale School of Medicine; and Maurice Samuels, the Betty Jane Anlyan Professor of French and Director of Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism.

This event will not be filmed or recorded. Please come with an open heart, curious mind, and turned-off phone.

A reception and the opportunity to continue the conversation with the panelists and Chaplain Saltiel will follow the panel discussion.

Free but register in advance
Pre-registration required, as this is an in-person gathering only. All guests should be prepared to provide a Yale ID at check-in.

Belonging at Yale Cultivating Conversation, Yale Chaplain’s Office, and Yale Office of the Secretary and Vice President for University Life, Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism