General Public

Antisemitism and Fantasies of National Purity from Mussolini to the Present

The Benjamin (Yale 1962) and Barbara Zucker Lecture Series
This talk will examine the place of fantasies of national purity in selected authoritarian states from Mussolini to the present, and how racial legislation and propaganda, such as that directed at Jews, factors into this larger context. We will look at the three timeframes and states of mind strongman leaders leverage: utopia, nostalgia, and crisis.

Religion and Activism in Conversation: How People of Faith Cross Lines of Difference, Confront the Fierce Urgency of Now, and Create a More Just World

Join Rabbi Jonah Pesner and Reverend Hurmon Hamilton for a powerful conversation about how people of faith can come together to advocate for justice, and what this means in a world of racism and antisemitism. In 2005, Reverend Hamilton and Rabbi Pesner co-led a grassroots campaign that organized thousands of religious people in the Massachusetts fight for health care access, which became a nationwide model for reform.

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