Fall, 2012
Henry Rousso is senior research fellow at the Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS), member of the Institut d’histoire du temps présent (IHTP, Paris), which he directed from 1994 to 2005. He coordinates the European Network for Contemporary history (EURHISTXX), sponsored by the CNRS and a dozen other European Institutions and Universities. His works focus on the history and memory of traumatic pasts, especially World War II. He was among the first historians to work on the history of collective memory, in the mid 1980’s.
His main books include : The Vichy Syndrome. History and Memory in France since 1944 (Paris: 1987, Cambridge: 1991); Vichy, An Ever-Present Past, with E. Conan (Paris: 1994, Hanover: 1998); The Haunting Past. History, Memory, and Justice in France (Paris: 1998, Philadelphia, 2002); Stalinism and Nazism (Ed.) (Bruxelles: 1999, Lincoln, 2004); Vichy. L’Événement, la mémoire, l’histoire (Paris: 2001); Le dossier Lyon III. Le racisme et le négationnisme à l’université Jean-Moulin (Paris: 2004); Le Régime de Vichy (Paris 2007, Munich, 2009) ; Juger Eichmann, Jérusalem, 1961 (Paris, 2011). He has been working for a couple of years on the writing of contemporary history, and his last book – La dernière catastrophe. L’histoire, le présent, le contemporain (forthcoming in November 2012) – provides both a long term perspective and an analysis of contemporariness in our current regime of historicity.
As the first YPSA Visiting Professor in the fall of 2012, he taught two classes in the History Department: a graduate seminar on “Judging the Holocaust” and an undergraduate seminar on “The Holocaust in France.”